Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bronchitis or Asthma...Or Both?

Monday, daycare called and had me pick up my kids because my youngest, Vincent, who is almost 6 months old, had a fever. Tuesday, I took him to the daycare at my job instead of regular daycare because regular daycare said he had to be out 24 hours after the fever. Now, at his four-month visit, we had noticed he had had a cough for a few weeks, so we mentioned it to his doctor. She listened to his lungs, said they sounded clear, and said maybe it was allergies. About a month later, the cough persisted, so I made another appointment to check him. At the time, we all had a stomach virus, and the doctor was more concerned about his diarrhea and prescribed him an antibiotic for the virus and Floraster to keep him from getting dehydrated. Again, she listened to his lungs, said they sounded clear, and said maybe it was allergies. Yesterday, John took off from work to take him to the doctor again. This time, there was noticeable congestion. Vinny's been having a hard time sleeping at night because of it. This time, they said he might have bronchitis, he might have asthma, or he might have both. They prescribed him an inhaler, a mask to use with the inhaler, and an antibiotic for bronchitis. I can't explain how much this hurts. It is sad thinking out my 6-month old and how he could have asthma attacks. It's sad placing the mask over his face so we can make sure he's breathing the inhaler in. He doesn't like the mask. He squirms and cries. He doesn't like the antibiotic and spits it out so I have to give it to him with his formula. I really, really hope it's not asthma. I had a friend who died of an asthma attack a few years back. Well, it was technically heart failure, but the heart failure was brought on by an asthma attack because she did not have her inhaler. I am trying not to imagine the worst. So, please pray for my son. All prayers are much appreciated.

Friday, November 2, 2012

FM471: Animal Suicide Highway

This morning was just...weird.

I'm on my way to work, blaring the music to get pumped for the day (yeah, I totally just said pumped), and I pass an SUV. Nothing special there. Well, it must have just hit a possum because there's an adult possum in the road a little ways further, looking fully alive....except that it's nose was all bloody and it wasn't moving. Who knows. Maybe it got into a fight with another possum and when it saw my SUV coming at it, it got scared and decided to play possum.

Then on FM471, I see a whole lot of blood. I mean, it looked like the elevator doors from The Shining had opened up and flooded the road. Okay, I am exagerrating, a lot. But it really was a lot of blood, and it went on for a good distance before I saw this huge, furry thing in the road. I had to swerve to avoid hitting it. I also had to go over it because there was a car in the other lane, so... There might be peices of whatever it was on my tailpipe.

Further down on FM471, I am following a truck. Not a personal truck, but not an 18-wheeler.... One of those husky looking trucks that carry rocks or something. It's going, it's going, it's going....there's blood I hit whatever it was because the truck in front of me gave no indication of there being anything to avoid.

I don't understand. It's like the 3 animals that are left out by where I live (after all the mass construction to add more houses for whatever reason) decided one night to off themselves and just...picked random cars to do it for them.

A few days late, but it was like a horror show on my way to work.

But now I can yell at people to get out of my way! Don't they see the blood on my grill?? I hit stuff in my way, ya'll.  :/

On the plus side...I think I might have a chunk of meat hanging off my front bumper than I can clean up and grill for dinner tonight.

For those of you who actually think people in Texas do this kind of stuff...I am totally joking. We make them into jerky.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bats and Popsicles

I honestly didn't know what to put for the title, so, please forgive me. There's bats hanging around my desk and they gave us popsicles at work today. Bam! Inspiration.

It's been an interesting ride, let me tell you. If you are unaware, I am mother of 3 boys, and I am also expecting; we're kind of hoping it's a girl this time. But either way. Yay!

I've been working on various projects. Trying to get somewhere, anywhere, with my novel and blogging my attempts and working and my three sons and my boyfriend and failing at keeping the house clean and....whew.

I will make an honest effort to continue to post here. I appreciate the follow. If you'd like to check out my more happening blog, please visit Reaching for the Phoenix Galaxy.