Monday, February 7, 2011

Almost There

I am due March 21, 2011. It's going to be a boy. His name will be John Michael Burchett, Jr.

This pregnancy is so unlike my first it's almost scary. I don't remember having THIS much heartburn, aches, pains, morning sickness, sleeplessness or even moodiness with my first pregnancy.

But that's okay. I made it past the five week mark, I made it past the 3 month mark, I am in my final trimester a little over a month from having him, so I am good.
I like my baby bump. :)

I also bought a body pillow this pregnancy. It has helped a lot. The huge difference is that my first (full term) pregnany was when I was 21 and before the car accident. This is almost 8 years later....after all the broken bones.