Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bats and Popsicles

I honestly didn't know what to put for the title, so, please forgive me. There's bats hanging around my desk and they gave us popsicles at work today. Bam! Inspiration.

It's been an interesting ride, let me tell you. If you are unaware, I am mother of 3 boys, and I am also expecting; we're kind of hoping it's a girl this time. But either way. Yay!

I've been working on various projects. Trying to get somewhere, anywhere, with my novel and blogging my attempts and working and my three sons and my boyfriend and failing at keeping the house clean and....whew.

I will make an honest effort to continue to post here. I appreciate the follow. If you'd like to check out my more happening blog, please visit Reaching for the Phoenix Galaxy.